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Jour 10: En direction de playa Marsella au Nicaragua

Day 10: Heading to playa Marsella in Nicaragua

I am currently in playa Marsella.

This morning, it is with a heavy heart that I bid farewell to my family in Nandaime. It's time to get back on the road and explore this wonderful country! I'm going to say hello to my friend Juan Carlos. The start of the day takes place on the main road which I don't particularly like. The wind is blowing very hard and the trucks pass very close to my mount. I prefer to use the back roads when the opportunity arises. I have more time to admire the landscapes. It's my first day with my new glasses. I prefer to ride without glasses. Fortunately, I meet a little boy who is really interested in my glasses, so I pay it forward.... The small road is sometimes more difficult, but I prefer to cross a river than to be grazed by trucks. I love seeing animals up close. I take a little break to grab a little something to drink and eat. Natural cantaloupe juice is delicious, especially in a small plastic bag. (40 cents) My 60 cent main meal is exquisite! Route 62 is small, but the landscapes are sublime. Here is a volcano in the distance. I see the Gildan factory that makes sweaters at low prices. I see two little boys chasing birds with slingshots I finally arrive at playa Marsella after having crossed 74 km. I find myself a nice room, uh a room for 10$ Usd. Here is the exterior of my home today. My toilet shared with restaurant customers. Here is the restaurant. The beach is very uncrowded! I'm going to swim a little bit, but I'm looking forward to the start of the sunset. The show is fantastic and free, you only have to pay the beer $1 each. A very beautiful day, thank you life!

David Beauchesne

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