Yesterday we celebrated the old day of the year. First we made old stick figures filled with leaves. This symbol represents all that was wrong in 2018. We hung the piñata from the ceiling. Children and adults must dance before hitting the candy-filled object.
Some people are blindfolded and the piñata moves up and down using a system of pulleys. In the evening we are served a generous meal. I went to buy firecrackers to put them in the snowmen.
There is a special place where you can buy these new year explosives.
Around 11:50 p.m., the men are prepared by putting firecrackers in their bodies. They are placed in the middle of the street.
Around 11:58 p.m., they are sprayed with gas.... midnight the detonations are heard everywhere in the city.
After a few minutes only ashes remain, all the cares of 2018 are behind us burned forever. We are now ready to face the new year that is beginning. Wishes come from everywhere, comforting hugs follow. We want the country to come out of its economic torpor. The year 2019 will be better I am sure for the Nicaraguans. The party continues, the music resounds and the dance feels good! Happy New Year everyone!
David Beauchesne